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Heroes and Objects

Heroes and objects hold an important place in your story on multiple levels. They first allow you to reward your readers. Indeed, heroes and objects are symbolized by icons and appear in the form of a popup.

Object gain popup.

The reader will also be notified that they possess one of the keys to your story: the heroes and objects won are displayed in the top bar of the story reader.

Game bar with a hero (on the left), and an object.

Differences between Objects and Heroes

Heroes and objects function on the same principle. However, it should be noted that:

  • There can only be one hero: if a new hero is won, it replaces the previous one. Objects are not limited, but there can only be one copy of each in the inventory.
  • In the game bar, the hero's icon is displayed on the left, and the number of objects won is displayed on the right in a button (which opens a popup with the list of objects won by the player).

The name "hero" might suggest that the feature is designed only for characters, but this is not the case! You can very well use them to symbolize the place where the reader is (in the House, the Labyrinth...) or what they have chosen as a vehicle, for example: the Bike or the Scooter.

Adding Heroes / Objects

To add objects or heroes, you need to go to the Variables tool from the main menu. When you click the Create a new object button, a popup appears, allowing you to add an object.

Creating an object.

To validate this form you must:

  • Enter a name: it will be used in the list of objects on the reader's side, and to identify the object in the editor.
  • Enter a description: this is the text that will be displayed when the object / hero is won by the player.
  • Select an icon: by clicking the icon edit button, a modal window opens allowing you to search (see the chapter on icons for more details).

Icon selection modal.


The icons offered by Moiki come from The Noun Project. Searches will therefore be more effective in English.

The Variables tool displays the list of objects / heroes already created:

List of objects.

From this list, you can modify the name, description, or icon of all your objects and heroes. Heroes are symbolized by the

icon, allowing them to be quickly identified. By clicking the button, you can delete the object.