In order to go back, Moiki records a history of saves made in the editor.
This history is not stored on our servers, but directly on your browser. Additionally, only one story can have a history. This means that if you open another story in the editor, you will lose the previous one's history.
To access this history, click on the button History. You will then get the list of the latest saves made (up to 25 saves are recorded):
History window.
The green check mark indicates which step of the history you are currently at. By clicking on the return button, you will reload your story at the corresponding point.
If you return to a previous point, the subsequent save points will become transparent. As long as you do not make a new save, you can still return to them, but a new save will overwrite them.
Additionally, you have the option to lock certain save points by clicking on the button . This allows you not to lose this state, even if more than 25 saves are made after this one.