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Expert Mode Only

To use this feature on a story created in normal mode, you will first need to switch to expert mode. You can do this from the Settings > Options menu.

Events allow you to change the course of your story globally: they form a group consisting of a condition and one (or more) actions that can be executed after each sequence.

Event Properties

Events are used simply by defining a condition (which serves as a trigger) and actions (which determine the desired outcome), just as you are used to doing on sequences.

You have a choice between three types of events:

  • Those executed after each sequence: as long as the condition is true, the actions will be executed.
  • Those executed once only: from the moment the condition is true, the actions will be executed once and the event stopped permanently.
  • Those executed when the trigger becomes true: actions will be executed only when the condition becomes true. As long as it remains true, the event will be on pause. When the condition becomes false again, the pause will be removed (and the actions will then be executed again when the condition is true).

Example of an event.


Event actions also bring a novelty: you can create redirections.

This allows you to redirect players to a sequence in your main graph.

Window to add a redirection from an event.

On the graph, this will create an event node, which can be detached from the main graph.

Redirection with an event.


When a redirection is performed, the following actions and events are not executed. Therefore, pay particular attention to the order of your actions and events!